know what?

Someone asked once what was my best virtue and my worst defect… I’ve been trying to answer it to myself since that day. But, gosh, I’m always changing. Yep, I know it’s totally cliché, “blablabla, I’m not the same one I was the day before, blabla”, but you know what? That’s true. Things happen every single day. Everything that happens, or doesn’t happen, and the way you deal with all these stuff, makes you who you are. When you look both sides before crossing the street, you are automatically protecting yourself from the death, and it could mean a lot about who you are. Especially when you know what makes you want to be alive.
I know I’m kinda sleepy and probably it makes no sense at all, but what I’m trying to say is: when you start thinking why you do something, even the most simple things, like getting up in the morning, is when you start to know who you truly are and what you’re doing here. However, people rarely do that. You know why? Because answers bring more questions.

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